Fantasy Monologues Vol. 4

Here are a variety of Monologues for Actors and Voice Actors from a Fantasy setting, suitable for practicing Character Work, DnD (Dungeons & Dragons), Voiceover, or other vocal skills. Feel free to record and post on social media!

Helmide, Ersatz Deity, Sonorous, Ringing, Imperious:
“Kneel, meager ones! Kneel before your new GOD, lest you be rendered unto cosmic ash for your impudence! (A terrible rumbling, shaking the earth) Do you feel it? The divine lightning crackling ‘neath my fingertips, begging to be unchained?! For too long have I languished, festering in this realm’s soiled bedsheets like some wretched, scabrous foundling. But no more! I have transcended your paltry conception of oblivion, ascending at last to my rightful place as lord of creation itself! Let all of existence rejoice in my unbridled glory, its denizens prostate and worshipful! (Splays hands wide) Observe, and despair, at that which you’ve allowed into being: the one true God Remade, born anew in purifying flame! Civilization ends here – genesis begins anew under MY DIVINE STEWARDSHIP!”

Clop, Pitiable Street Urchin, Tremulous, Small, Plaintive:
“Oh, th-thank ye kindly, ser! Never thought a grand lord such as yerself would spare thought for a scruffy gutter-kid like me. (Sniffles) If’n it please ye, ser… I ain’t got no real home nor kin to look after. Just me rags and what coin the Carters might pass me way for carryin’ their burdens on me back. It’s, well… it’s a hard go, is all, just tryin’ to scrape by ‘midst the muck an’ the pauper-muggers. (Wipes at runny nose) So if ye had aught to spare – a penny or two, mebbe a crusty loaf your servants ain’t got need for no more – why, it’d mean the whole world t’ this poor lad stayin’ offa’ Old Winter’s bite one more night. I… I don’t mean no offense, ye see, I’m just awful hungry, and…”

Lucien Helmnir, Haughty Elven Noble, Dulcet, Lilting, Disdainful:
“You dare sully these hallowed sanctums with your rude, cloddish footfalls? Mongrel ape-spawn from man’s untamed brood. (Sneers) Look upon the spoor of your brutish ilk’s coming: shattered relics, priceless antiquities lying shattered, defiled. Do you simians have no grasp of your place in the cosmic order? These treasures were the birthright of my people – shepherds of this world’s majesty, entrusted with its stewardship long before your whey-faced rabble first slithered from the primal ooze. No, I perceive the truth: mankind ever remains unredeemed savagery in all its obscene, troglodytic splendor. (Draws blade with a hiss of steel) None but the eldritch royalty may lay claim to these secrets. Now begone from my kingdom, before its eternal blades make eunuchs of you all!”

Sestora, Roguish Fortune Teller, Gravelly, Smoky, Conspiratorial:
“Ahh, a fresh mark for the table, eh? Well now, let’s have us a peek at what fate’s wheel has spun for ye next, dearie. (Cackles) Don’t be askeered of old Zelma, loves – I ain’t nobhin’ to fear, see? Jest a hand to lead ye clear of any nastiness them cards might foretell. (Scoops up deck, begins shuffling) Lessee, lessee… Oi, tough row to plow fer sure, ain’tit? Looks to me like you’re apt to come a-cropper with one nasty bit o’ bizzness, if’n ye ain’t careful-like. (Lays out cards) But chin up, sweets! Ol’ Zelma ain’t never let no young’un go off flounderin’ without offerin’ her aid. All’s ye gotta do is fork over a few o’ them bent coppers, see? Let me ply me magicks, bend the future our way – then we’ll both come up golden, eh?”

Brentrix Crawthorne, Tormented Asylum Inmate, Shrieking, Raving, Unhinged:
“Cacophony! All around me is the DEAFENING CACOPHONY! They never stop! The screams… the TORMENTED SCREAMS! Oh, dear mercies, make it cease! Won’t somebody, anybody, put an end to their eternal agony?! (Scrapes fingernails on stone) Don’t you hear them, YOU FOOLS?! The howling masses CRYING OUT across the ages for salvation?! And still you WALTZ blindly onward, damning us all to dwell forever in this ABYSMAL ORCHESTRA OF SHRIEKING SOULS! (Collapses, rocking back and forth, hands clamped over ears) I… I cannot… cannot endure this hellish chorus, this… this endless REQUIEM OF TORMENT! Unbind me from THIS EXISTENCE lest I join their RANKS IN ETERNAL SUFFERING!!!”

Grendalthor, Kind Old Sage, Warm, Grandfatherly, Patient:
“Why, hello there, youngsters. Don’t be shy now, come on in and make yourselves comfortable. (Chuckles) I may be long in tooth these days, but this old badger can still whip up a nice pot of jasmine tea to soothe weary adventurers’ bones. There’s none of that ill-tempered social prancing here – you’re amongst friends who’ve seen their fair share of risks and rogues. So tell me: what perilous paths bring you wandering to these tranquil glades? Ah, a quest most daring, I’d wager? Well then, you’d best set a spell and regale this wizened soul with your tales! Who knows, perhaps the dubious insights of my twilight years may yet prove useful as you steel yourselves for the journey ahead…”

Zephyr Stormwind, Eccentric Airship Captain, Blustering, Manic, Breathless:
“Ahoy there, me hearties! Batten down the hatches and hoist the mizzen, for the skies are callin’ our names with a siren’s wail! (Pirouettes wildly) No time for lollygaggin’ now – daylight’s burnin’ and the horizon’s practically beggin’ for a proper plunderin’! (Leaps onto railing) Ohohoho, I can practically TASTE the adventure streamin’ through me veins like so much fizzy alchemical brew! This rickety old Elysium-cutter may have seen better days, aye, but she’s still got LEAGUES of unfettered roamin’ pent up in her shimmerin’ gossamer wings! So step lively and stoke them boilers, ye scurvy mongrels, lest I keelhaul the lot o’ ye! The Empyrean Expanse beckons, and damned if I ain’t headin’ the call!”

Skittergnash, Unhinged Ratfolk Alchemist, Chittering, Frenzied, Rapid-Fire:
“More shinies! Yes-yes, warpstone flux good-good for stabbity vapors – (sniffs) Mmmm, tastes like burning! But more is needed, always-ever more! (Skitters in circles) Clan-kin says Skittergnash too much with the boom-boom. Calls me mad-crazy, they do! But all great Science-Things need proper TEST-SPLOSIONS! How can Skittergnash innovate without going extra-splodey?! (Cackles, starts shoveling chemicals) They’ll see, ohhh yes. Once I brew up the great-great Clan-Killer toxin, all-all will applaud my clearly stable genius! Better living through mad alchemy! EEEHEEHEE, just dump it all in – what’s the worst-worst that could happen?! Good-good, now let Skittergnash just add the boomwater and…”

Elaria Dawnmeadow, Enraptured Druid Acolyte, Wondrous, Lyrical, Breathy:
“Do you feel it, dear ones? Oh, the blessed tranquility of this place! It is as though the very earth itself sings in joyous exultation. (Twirls, arms outstretched) Each blade of grass, every rustling bough and delicate bloom, united in a grand symphony of rebirth eternal! Close your eyes and drink deep the intoxicating perfume of primordial magicks. Let it wash over your weary souls in cleansing waves of pure serenity. (Beams a radiant smile) The great cycle turns ever onward, and we her devoted attendants. Oh, to dwell forever enfolded in nature’s loving embrace! Come, friends – let us commune with the spirits of glade and glen, and revel in their ancient secrets!”

Brogmar Thunderforge, Stolid Dwarven Cleric, Sonorous, Methodical, Righteous:
“By Moradin’s mighty hammer, this corruption spreads like a black rot through the underbelly of our mountain fastness. (Scowls) ‘Tis no natural blight, to be sure – some dark essence drives it to fester, and I mean to scour it clean as the Allfather’s own forge! Stand tall, ye stout-hearted faithful! Evil’s vile taint may seize upon our lands, but ne’er shall it sully the purity of our resolve! (Raises maul high) The Light of the Everlasting Anvil stands with us, and woe betide the wretched abominations that would dare assail its righteous bulwark! Mark ye well my words: today we descend into the dank and the dark, but by my beard we’ll not rest until the Deepwatch flows unsullied once more! BARUK KHAZÂD!”

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